Health First
HEALTH FIRST – We had seen in Our Human Body – Blue Print that our body is made up of 5 different element. We know that if health is not good we could not able to do a single work.
Swahiman Magnetic is a pickup center of Magnetic Therapy where we give the awareness, suggestion and provide the alternative health remedy to people. We give them awareness with demonstration of our Magnetic Product. Our Product is made up of Neodymium Bio-Magnetic which is obtaining from the 600 to 800 feet deep below earth. We also sale the magnetic products of our parent company e-Biotorium Network Pvt Ltd. Our products do not require any charging, it’s purely natural and scientifically made.
HEALTH FIRST – Let’s understand which different element composition of human body is most important and required for healthy body. Let’s find out the root causes of disease or pain occurs to our human body and what are the reason for disturbance occurs in our life.
Element Composition of Human Body

Element composition of human body – made up of five element viz. Air, Water, Sky, Fire and Earth (Magnetism). For a healthy body there should be a perfect balance between mind and body, however the imbalance of any one or more elements alarm to manage physical fitness.
You all know that the life is only on earth, because our earth itself is a magnet, which has both the pole – North & South pole. There is a hot sea of iron boiling at 6000°C and the earth is constantly revolving around the sun, which has a speed of thousands of kilometers per hour.
For more understanding the 5 elements visit page: Our Human Body
Let’s have look over the range of biomagnetic products : BioMag Harmony
Root Cause of any Disease

Today modern medical science has proved that more than 90% of the diseases in the human body arise due to only two reason.
Following reason are the causes of 90% of disease in human body.
When all the 78 organs of our body do not get sufficient oxygen, the external bacteria ( through virus, air, water, food ) enter our body and make our body weak. It reduced body immunity due to low oxygen levels in our blood cells.
Let’s have look over the range of biomagnetic products : BioMag Harmony
Mystery of Disease (Reality)

In today’s situation we have polluted everything. Due to which today a large section of the society is suffering from many physical ailments and pains. Many diseases have arisen due to the disturbance of this balance.
Transport of oxygen and nutrients to the lungs & tissues.
Formation of blood clots to prevent additional blood loss carrying ingection – fighting cells and antibodies elements.
Regulating body temperature, the cardiovascular system carries oxygen and nutrients, including blood to all part of our body.
Let’s have look over the range of biomagnetic products : BioMag Harmony
Benefits / Advantage