Story of Relief

Story of Relief : @Swahiman Magnetic all our Vital Team members Welcome you in the journey of becoming Healthy through our BioMag Harmony Products made by company namely E-Biotorium Network Pvt Ltd. We had helped lots of people through the nation and we cannot list them all at here. Here are some of the people who was having multiple health issues / problems and just by using our BioMag Harmony they had relief  themselves from pain and solve their health problems and bring the happiness in their life.

Lets try to understand how it had happen to them and what kind of treatment they had carried out before using our BioMag Harmony Products. Let Hear them in their own voice. Every Story the conclusion is written beside the video for better understanding. For more details please Contact Us or call our Vital Team member.

Story of Relief from Sleep less, Vertigo, Thyroid, Diabetic & Constipation.

Ms. Jayshree from Ahmedabad.

Story of Relief of Ms. Jayshree : She was suffering from Not able to Sleep proper, Vertigo, Thyroid, Diabetic  and Constipation. She had lots of health challenges in her life.

She consult Orthopedic doctor and doctor had given 5 to 7 different test to be carried out. One of her friend inform her that along with the test please try  Magnetic Therapy also.

Lets listen to her, what she want to say about her disease and product of e-biotorium which she had used.


Story of Relief from Urine Infection, Prostate, BP and Diabetic.

Mr. Pravin Jobanputra from Ahmedabad

Story of Relief of Mr. Pravin : He was having different issue with his health. Since 18 months he was not able to move out from his bed as he was suffering from Urine Infection, Prostate, Blood pressure and Diabetic person.

He had tried to overcome his health issue with 3 different hospital and had spent 25000 for the supplements also.

Before using our Magnetic Kit he was lying on the bed as a paralysis person was in a bed and had lost his hope.


Story of Relief from Skin Psoriasis

Mr. Sharad Shrivastav from Kanpur.

Story of Relief of Mr. Sharad : He was suffering from Skin Psoriasis since 1996. He try all kind of medical treatment from different doctors and different places.

My friend suggested for Magnetic Therapy and I was not believing that just by drinking water and sleeping on the bedsheet how it will be cure ?. Lets listen to him, what he want to say about his disease and product of e-biotorium which he had used.


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